The Kalamkar

Business Idea: Earn big money by starting security guard business, you will need these things

Business Idea: This news is for you if you also want to do something new. In fact, today in this news we are going to tell you about the business of security guard which will work well for you to earn money. Know how to start this business in the news below.

securitiy gaurd news

The Kalamkar News, Business Idea: If you are looking to start a new business, then today we are fulfilling your need. We are giving you such a business idea. Where there will be a long list of job seekers and you will benefit

Actually, we are talking about security agency. You can also work by opening this organization. All it needs is one room. That means you can try your hand in this business for very little money. Be it a big company or a small service sector office, everyone needs security personnel for security.

The demand for security guards is continuously increasing. There is very little possibility of recession in this business. Everyone needs security. If someone is rich or a big businessman, he is always looking for a reliable security provider.


How to start security agency business?

People may need to cut down on other expenses. But also spend very little on security. In this you can get a chance to earn any amount of money. You can get benefits from small or big investments. You have to start a business.

After this, PF and ESIC registration will also have to be done. GST registration will have to be done there. It is also necessary to register the company in the Labor Court. You can start this business without worrying about money and space. It can also be opened in partnership.

How to get a license?

Under the Private Security Agency Regulation Act 2005, a license is obtained to open a security agency. PSARA is its name. Without this license a private security agency cannot run. For this, police verification is done before giving license to the applicant. 

At the same time, to open an institution, a contract for training security guards has to be signed with an institute certified by the State Control Authority.

How much will it cost?

License fees also have to be paid for running a security agency. Getting a license for a security agency in one district costs around Rs 5,000, providing services in five districts costs around Rs 10,000 and running your own agency in one state costs around Rs 25,000. 

After getting the license, your organization will have to follow all the provisions of Pasara law. In this way you can grow your business gradually.

Desired money-

People are less stingy about security. That means you can get a chance to earn any amount of money from this business. With the rapid increase in urban population, new businesses and areas are being started.

In such a situation, the demand for security personnel has also increased. You can fulfill this need by creating your own security agency.