The Kalamkar

Traffic Challan Rules: Alert for drivers, know after how many challans your vehicle will be blacklisted

Pending e-Challan Blacklist: If you are sleeping peacefully without paying the vehicle challan, then be careful. Because the Transport Department can blacklist your vehicle. Let us tell you that according to these rules, if the challan amount is not deposited on time, then the RTO can blacklist your vehicle. So drivers must know these rules...

traffic chalaan

The Kalamkar News, Digital Desk - Nowadays  , CCTV cameras are installed at many places on the roads . If you break any rule while driving, these cameras capture the picture immediately. After this the online challan of your vehicle is  deducted. You come to know about the challan when the challan message comes on your mobile. Some people neither come to know about the challan being deducted nor are they able to see the message of the challan. In such a situation, they do not realize that their challan has been issued and they do not pay the fine.

Are you aware that if the challan is not paid, the vehicle can also be blacklisted? If you do not pay the traffic challan on time, your vehicle can be blacklisted (Pending e-challan blacklist) . Therefore, the challan amount should be deposited on time. With this you will not have to face any other problem.

Traffic challan rules: Do not make this mistake while driving, you will have to pay a heavy fine, check the list of fines.
However, some people do not take care of this and keep issuing e-challan on their e-challan . Let us know how many challans the RTO blacklists your vehicle.

Last year, Delhi Transport Department had  announced that the vehicles of those who do not pay the challan fine on time will be blacklisted. Under this, it is necessary to pay the traffic challan within 90 days. If five challans of a vehicle are not paid within 90 days, the department will blacklist that vehicle.

There is a provision for e-challan in the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. Traffic policemen can issue challan for violating traffic rules. The vehicle owner or in whose name the challan has been issued will have to pay the fine within the stipulated time. If five challans have already been issued for a vehicle, but have not been deposited within 90 days, the vehicle may be blacklisted.

Delhi  Transport Department will give 10 days' notice to pay the fine before blacklisting. If the challan is deposited within these 10 days, the vehicle will be saved from being blacklisted. If the challan amount is not deposited within 10 days, the department will blacklist the vehicle.

You will not be able to do these 3 things:

Once your vehicle is blacklisted, you will not be able to do three important things. Let us know which 3 things cannot be done after the vehicle is blacklisted.

1. Cannot sell the car: If your car is blacklisted, you will not be able to sell your car. Actually, the vehicle remains blacklisted in the records of RTO. Because of this, the name of the new owner will not appear in the records of the vehicle. Overall, you will not be able to sell the blacklisted car.

2. Cannot get insurance: If your car insurance has expired or is about to expire, then it will not be renewed. You cannot buy a new insurance cover for a blacklisted vehicle. Your vehicle will remain blacklisted in the RTO records, no insurance company will be able to insure your vehicle.

3. PUC certificate will not be issued: It is also necessary to have pollution under control certificate  to drive the vehicle . If there is no PUC certificate, the traffic police can issue challan. If the vehicle is blacklisted then PUC certificate will not be made.

Is your vehicle blacklisted?

 You can check the details of your vehicle by visiting the vehicle portal . From here you will get information about pending challan. Apart from this, if your vehicle has been blacklisted then it will also be known. If you deposit all the challans then your vehicle will be removed from the blacklist.

Delhi Police, in collaboration with the National Informatics Centre,  blacklists vehicles with pending challans. The action of blacklisting the vehicle is carried out under Rule 167 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989. Keep in mind that Delhi Transport Department blacklists only the vehicles registered in Delhi.