Preparations underway to acquire land for this ring road in UP at double the circle rate
UP News: The government has decided to speed up the process of land acquisition for the ring road project. Land will be acquired at double the circle rate to ensure proper compensation to land owners. The move is aimed at preventing any obstruction in the project and maintaining cordial relations with land owners.

Uttar Pradesh News: The Uttar Pradesh government has decided to speed up the land acquisition process for the proposed ring road project in various districts of the state. To attract land owners and avoid disputes, the government will acquire land at a price twice the circle rate.
Making the ring road along the Ramgarhtal is the first priority of the government. The work of Padleganj-Mohaddipur ring road has not been completed yet, but the work from Sahara Estate to Kunraghat has not started yet because the farmers have stopped it.
The GDA administration is planning to buy land at a price twice the circle rate on the basis of the consent of the farmers. GDA will present this proposal in the board meeting. Further action will start after this.
The 12 meter wide ring road will be two lanes
The ring road is to be built for four kilometers from Kunraghat of Ramgarhtal to Sahara Estate. The 12 meter wide ring road will be two lanes. Under the project, a 1.5 meter wide footpath and railing will be built on the banks of the lake. About 33 crore rupees will be spent on this project.
The construction of the ring road could not start yet due to the opposition of the farmers. They were demanding compensation for the land. There was a discussion on this at the government level as well.
In this, there is a consensus on showing the documents to the farmers and giving compensation after its investigation. The proposal will be approved in the GDA board meeting to be held in the last week of July.
Land of 70 to 80 farmers will be acquired
In Ramgarhtal, about seventy to eight farmers have land in the approximately four kilometer ring road from Kunraghat to Sahara Estate. Farmers Jagdish Prasad, Babulal, Ramji, Sanjeev etc. say that they are ready to give the land at the current rate. GDA was contacted.
They have been told their decision. Version: A proposal is being made after discussing with the farmers about Ramgarhtal ring road. A proposal will be made on the basis of their consent, which will be passed in the next meeting of the GDA board.