Business Idea: Cultivation of this tree guarantees becoming a millionaire, one tree will earn Rs 5 lakh
How to start business - Everyone dreams of having their own business and not having to face the pressure of their boss. If you have vacant land, then today we are going to give you an idea which is sure to make you a millionaire. This tree is in highest demand in the market. If you plant even 5 to 10 trees, you will easily earn Rs 30 lakh. Let us know in detail-

The Kalamkar News (Bureau). Nowadays people are becoming less interested in jobs and they are looking for new means of earning.
He wants to do some work on his own so that he does not have to bear the pressure of boss and deadline. If you also want to do your own business idea, then we are going to tell you about a business idea which may take some of your time but after that no one can stop you from becoming a millionaire. You can see it as an investment. We are talking about the business of Sandalwood tree.
Sandalwood tree means sandalwood tree. There is the sandalwood tree by whose work Pushpa (the film character) became rich.
However, in the film he was smuggling trees which is a crime. But there is no need for you to do this.
You can grow sandalwood trees legally and earn profits from them. If reports are to be believed, one can earn up to Rs 5 crore from 100 sandalwood trees.
How much time will it take for a tree to be ready?
Cultivation of sandalwood tree is profitable but you will have to devote a long time for it. This means that you cannot think of quitting your job immediately after planting a tree. If sandalwood cultivation is grown in the traditional way, it takes 20-25 years to become fully mature.
However, with organic method this tree can be ready in 10-15 years. Although the sandalwood tree requires very little care, it is important to protect it from smugglers and animals. , Sandalwood trees can thrive in a variety of areas, except sandy or snowy environments.
Know how much will be earned from one tree-
A sandalwood tree can be sold for up to Rs 3-5 lakh when fully prepared. If you plant even 5-10 trees, your earning can be up to Rs 30 lakh. But if you plant 100 sandalwood trees then you can become the owner of around Rs 5 crore.
The government will have to accept this one condition-
Not only is there a fear of smugglers in the cultivation of sandalwood tree, a condition has been set by the government for its cultivation.
The wood of sandalwood trees or sandalwood trees can be sold only to the government. You cannot go to the private market and sell it.
To navigate this, interested sandalwood farmers must first inform the forest department and obtain their permission to sell the harvested sandalwood to the government . This regulatory framework ensures sustainable cultivation and conservation of this valuable resource.