The Kalamkar

Alcohol Side Effect: Drinking alcohol causes these harms, drinkers must know this

How Can Quit Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol can have a bad effect on your body, many people drink alcohol for hobby and many people have a habit of it, today we will tell you about some side effects of alcohol through this article. Going, let us know in the news how you can distance yourself from alcohol.

alcohole side effects

The Kalamkar News, Digital Desk - Alcohol is very harmful for health. Alcohol has bad effects  on the heart and liver . Drinking alcohol gradually affects every part of the body. 

The entire body is affected by this. Drinking too much alcohol causes dehydration in the body. Even though people know the harms of alcohol, it is not easy to give up its addiction. 

However, some home remedies can help you in quitting alcohol addiction. Know the disadvantages of alcohol  and how to get rid of  alcohol addiction . 

Side Effects Of Alcohol

  • The risk of mental diseases increases.
  • Alcohol affects the nervous system.
  • Drinking alcohol causes liver damage. Drinking
  • alcohol causes dehydration and stomach diseases.
  • Excessive alcohol increases the risk of heart diseases.
  • Alcohol addiction can also cause cancer.
  • Drinking alcohol can cause liver cirrhosis

How to get rid of alcohol addiction

1- Raisins - Use raisins to get rid of alcohol addiction. If you feel like drinking alcohol then you can eat raisins at that time. Eating 4-5 raisins will reduce the desire to drink alcohol and will help you in getting rid of the addiction.

2- Dates - You can use dates to get rid of the addiction of drinking alcohol. To give up the addiction of alcohol, it is advisable to drink date water. For this, grate the dates and mix it in water. Drink this water 2-3 times a day. 

3- Carrot juice - It is advisable to drink carrot juice to give up alcohol. This helps in giving up alcohol addiction. You can also drink apple juice. Drinking apple juice 2-3 times a day will help in giving up alcohol addiction. 

4- Basil leaves - Tulsi is an Ayurvedic medicine. Use basil leaves to give up alcohol addiction. This reduces the urge to drink alcohol. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant elements are found in basil. Which also detoxifies the body. 

5- Ashwagandha - Ashwagandha is also used to get rid of alcohol addiction. One can get rid of the habit of drinking alcohol by consuming one spoon Ashwagandha powder mixed with milk daily.