The Kalamkar

SBI Clerk Prelims Result 2024: When can SBI Clerk result come and where can it be downloaded, here are the details

SBI Clerk Recruitment Prelims Exam: Here is a step by step guide on how to check SBI Clerk Result 2024.

sbi clerk result

The Kalamkar News, SBI Clerk Recruitment Prelims Exam: State Bank of India is expected to release the result of SBI Clerk Recruitment Prelims Exam 2024 soon. SBI Clerk Prelims exam was conducted on multiple dates in January 2024, which started on 5th January and continued till 12th January 2024. The recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 8,773 candidates for the post of Junior Associate.

According to various media reports, it is expected that SBI may declare the result by the last week of January 2024. Candidates are eagerly waiting for the release of score-card to participate in the subsequent recruitment phase.

Once the result is released by SBI, candidates will be able to download their scorecard from the official website Apart from this, SBI will also release a merit list of eligible candidates who will be eligible to appear for the SBI Clerk Main examination round.

Now enter the required details like registration number, date of birth and captcha and click on the submit button.

As soon as you submit, your SBI Prelims Result 2024 will be on the screen in front of you. Now you can download it and also take its printout.