In this city of UP, a plot worth Rs. 60 lakhs was sold for Rs. 30 crores, property rates reached the seventh sky
UP News - Property rates are rising rapidly in all cities of the country. In such a situation, according to a recent report, let us tell you that a plot worth 60 lakhs has been sold for 30 crores in this city of UP. Everyone is surprised at the sale of this plot worth 60 lakhs for Rs 30 crores. People have this question in their minds that what is so special about this plot that it was sold at the rate of Rs 10 lakh per square yard.

Khabar TV (Bureau): Vrindavan Property Price: The price of land is increasing rapidly across the country. But the skyrocketing rates in the areas adjoining Delhi are shocking everyone. One such case has come to light in Vrindavan, UP. Here a plot of 300 square yards was sold for Rs 30 crore, while the price of this land was just Rs 60 lakh.
Everyone is surprised that this plot worth Rs 60 lakh was sold for Rs 30 crore. This matter came to light during the online auction of residential plots of Mathura Vrindavan Development Authority (MVDA). After the bid was finalized, people are asking what is so special about this plot that it was sold at the rate of Rs 10 lakh per square yard.
The price kept increasing in online auction-
A unique incident happened during the auction of this plot when its price suddenly increased a lot. There were a total of eight plots in the auction which started on Thursday. One of these plots was in Rukmini Vihar of Vrindavan.
The initial price of this plot was Rs 60 lakh. But its price kept increasing continuously in the online auction and finally it reached Rs 30 crore. The sudden increase in the price surprised the officials and they have started investigating the reason behind such a rise in its price.
Officials were also surprised to see the auction report-
When MVDA officials saw the auction report, they were surprised. There was a bid of Rs 30 crore for a plot worth Rs 60 lakh. Also, there was a bid of Rs 19 crore 11 lakh for another plot of 288 square meters.
Officials believe that such high bids were placed intentionally so that the auction process could be spoiled. Perhaps some people wanted the prices to increase so much that the real buyers would not be able to buy the plot.
Some people's security deposit is at risk -
Due to placing such high bids in the auction, some people's security deposit is at risk. Participants taking part in the auction have to deposit a certain amount. If a person wins the auction and does not pay the money, his security deposit is confiscated.
Special officer Prasun Dwivedi says that the person who bid Rs 30 crore for a plot worth Rs 60 lakh has taken the risk of losing his security deposit.
If he does not pay the money for the plot, his security deposit will be confiscated. The remaining plots will be auctioned in the next few days.