The Kalamkar

Business Idea: You can become a millionaire by cultivating this plant which has many qualities, you can earn huge profits by starting a business in Rs 15,000

Basil Farming Tips: In ancient times, medicines and medicines were made directly from herbs. Even in today's time, these things hold great importance. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about the business of cultivating a plant which is a mine of qualities. The demand for this plant is never ending. This way you will become a millionaire in no time. Let us know what the business idea is...

cultivation plant

The Kalamkar News, New Delhi: By  doing business along with job, you can manage your household expenses well and also make good savings. 

If you are a farmer and want to cultivate something that will give you better benefits at low cost, then we have a great business idea . Today we will tell you about one such farming, in which you will not have to invest much.

You can concentrate on this business along with your job. Actually, we are talking about the cultivation of Tulsi. 

By cultivating this plant which has spiritual and Ayurvedic importance, you can earn big money in a short time (Basil plant farming) . Let us know how to do basil forming...

The demand for basil plants is so much

Medicines made from basil plant were in high demand earlier, but after the Corona epidemic, people are now focusing on strengthening immunity. Tulsi is used in Ayurvedic medicines that increase immunity. Therefore the demand for basil is increasing.

How to plant basil plants

For information, let us tell you that basil is cultivated in the month of July. Normal plants should be planted at a distance of 45x 45 cm. 

Whereas for plants of RRLOC 12 and RRLOC 14 species, a distance of 50x50 cm should be maintained. After transplantation, irrigation of these plants is necessary.

According to the opinion of experts, you should stop irrigating basil plants 10 days before harvesting them. It is harvested when the plant grows. 

When flowers start appearing on the plant, the amount of oil obtained from them starts decreasing. In such a situation, keep in mind that these plants should be harvested on time.

This much will be the cost and profit

The good thing is that for basil cultivation you will neither have to invest a lot of money nor will you need a lot of land. You will have to invest only Rs 15,000 in the beginning of this business. 

Sell ​​plants like this 

For sale, you can directly go to the market and sell basil plants . At the same time, if you sell plants to pharmaceutical companies or agencies doing contract farming, then you will not have to worry about selling, because these companies have high demand for Tulsi.

No need to wait too long for harvesting 

Let us tell you that the Tulsi plant is ready in just 3 months. Its crop will be sold for around Rs 3-4 lakh. Companies making Ayurvedic medicines do farming on contract. It will be even better if you start your business through contract farming.